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Inner Conversation To Manifestation – Every minute you generate roughly 6 thoughts It makes you have Inner Conversation every 60 seconds It happens on the subconscious level You are unaware of it.

Positive thoughts/ inner conversations have High vibration frequency
Negative thoughts/inner conversations have a low vibration frequency
Thus it produces frequency waves and elicits responses of the same quality waves internally and externally

Internally you communicate with your autonomic and sympathetic nervous systems
While externally you communicate with other people’s waves and object’s waves


You elicit responses inevitably and The attraction happens baby
Positive communications vibrate on Higher frequencies and attract high-quality waves in return
Negative communications vibrate on Lower frequencies and attract low-quality waves in return
The exchange happens constantly, on a 5-dimensional level

The thing is: How you Vibrate is your synchronicity
And what you attract is your synchro-destiny
And That’s how Manifestation happens
Now imagine if you verbalize your thoughts
All The frequency waves double accordingly

Negative and positive frequencies double in their radioactivity and create a stronger force either way

There’re 1,440 minutes in the day
Out of which only 720 minutes you are awake for
Awake is not Aware
Aware is when you are taking responsibility for every thought you generate
And every inner Conversation you make

So how do we take control of those wild thoughts and inner conversations?
Make every inner conversation as IF
All your EVENTS and RELATIONSHIPS of your Life
Are Your Words Made VISIBLE Baby!

Practice replacing your negative inner conversations with beautiful affirmations and loop them in the pendulum. Try to be aware of your inner talking and thoughts and your communications with others and use them with purpose. Do it for 21 days and it will become a new You before you know it!
You will start to feel better and you will see lots of amazing things happening to you every day!

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