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Assume your Desired State and start Living Your DREAM LIFE
 Embrace the Power of Your Imagination 

There is no separation between you and your desired state – you are one with the Universe. Your imagination is your universal truth, your connection to the infinite.

Embrace the Present Moment: Stop searching for your desired state in the future, and don’t let time create separation. You are in the NOW, and in this timeless quantum realm, your desires are already fulfilled. You are the Creator of Your Reality: Your thoughts and inner conversation shape your world. Neville Goddard reminds us, “Today’s fiction can become tomorrow’s fact.” 

 Assume Your Desired State: Have faith and be loyal to your vision. Your inner state is a direct reflection of your external reality. 

Assumption is the Key: Perceive your world through the lens of your desired outcome, wear the glasses of assumption, and watch your reality shift to match your desires. 

 Stay Persistent: Your inner states are the building blocks of your reality. Trust that your new inner states will manifest the life you dream of. 

 Let Go of Doubt: Ignore the ego’s need for plans and scarcity. Flow with conviction and trust the Universe is always taking care of you. 

Command Your 3D: Affirm, affirm, affirm your desired state in your imagination. As you rewrite your past events and embrace your new habits, you’ll witness a transformation in your reality. 
Start Practicing today and turn your Life into a Dream!

I want you to know HOW AMAZING YOU ARE!
You are POWERFUL, LOVELY, GENIUS and you can achieve ANYTHING you WANT!❤️❤️❤️

I believe in you!
I love you and I meant it
I am here for you always 1 step of the way

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