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Making the Decision to Be Positive: Being positive or negative is a choice. Decide to become a creator of a positive you.

1. Realizing Your Existence: Acknowledge your “I Amness” and the connection between your conscious and subconscious mind. Efficiently communicate with your body and mind.

2. Reframing Negative Thoughts: When negative thoughts arise, assess their usefulness and flip them into positive statements, considering visual, auditory, and kinesthetic perception types that you belong to.

3. Using Positive Language: Avoid negative words and phrases as they manifest in your reality. Flip your expressions to reflect positivity.

4. Expressing Self-Compassion: Shower yourself with love, kindness, and admiration, similar to how you would treat a beloved friend.

5. Cultivating Gratitude: Practice gratitude daily, especially in the morning and during daily routines. Gratitude promotes emotional abundance.

6. Changing Predictions: Replace negative predictions about daily challenges with positive ones. Understand that you are constantly manifesting your reality.

7. Acknowledging Effort and Growth: Recognize that effort is a form of achievement. There are no failures, only experiences that contribute to growth and success.

8. Revising Past Events: Revise past events by recalling them, revising them verbally, and impressing them upon yourself. Be specific and detailed.

9. Meditation for Reprogramming: Use meditation, especially before sleep, to access the subconscious mind and reprogram it with positive beliefs and desires.

10. Trusting the Flow: Trust the natural flow of the universe and be present in the moment. Understand that everything passes and success is a part of this flow.

11. Embracing Self-Love and Self-Confidence: You have the power to decide and choose the quality of your thoughts. Practice these techniques consistently to rewire your subconscious mind.

12. Spreading Positivity: As you transform your inner world, you’ll naturally want to share love and tranquility with others, ultimately influencing the world around you positively.

Start Practicing today and turn your Life into a Dream!
Practice practice practice, ASK YOURSELF iF YOUR THOUGHT ARE USEFULL? Do they Serve you Well? AND HOW DO THEY BEHAVE?//

Practice affirmative thinking// practice affirmative vision//revise your day every night- either script or self-talk it every day, and that will rewire your subconscious mind and make it better and better again.
Stay consistent; Keep at it every day and Old habits will be replaced with new ones before you know it!
You will feel great, you will want to share love and tranquility and the world around you will change!

I believe in you!
I love you and I meant it
I am here for you always 1 step of the way


This video is for informational and entertaining purposes only and not a substitute for professional advice. The techniques and ideas presented are the creator’s own and may not work for everyone. Don’t disregard professional advice due to the content in this video. Success depends on individual effort and application of these principles, and results are not guaranteed. By watching, you agree to take full responsibility for your actions and not hold us accountable for your results.

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