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1. Uncover the 95/5 ratio between your subconscious and conscious minds.
Learn how thoughts influence your neurochemistry, gene behavior, and overall health to unlock self-healing powers.
2. Understand how memories evolve and impact your present emotions.
Break free from the repetitive cycle of reliving past emotions and behaviors.
3. Grow beyond your comfort zone for a positive impact on your body and mind. Make better choices daily to CROSS the bridge from your Old self to your New self.
4. Harness the science-backed technique of imagining a better future.
Rewire your brain for new physical and emotional habits.
5. Realize that your thoughts generate your outside world, your health, and abundance. Embrace self-love and make daily healthy choices for holistic well-being.
6. Generate love for yourself and amplify self-care for happiness.
Witness the manifestation of great health, self-healing, vitality, and abundance through the expression of gratitude.
7. Take Control: Recognize your role as the boss of your thoughts, behaviors, and habits. Choose beautiful thoughts to create beautiful emotions and unlock your best self.

Ready to embark on a journey of being Supernatural and discovering your self-healing powers? Then start Taking charge Of your Body by building a powerful Mind and Body Connection! 🚀💖

Your mind is the key to unlocking a life of great health, vitality, and abundance. You are worth it BABY! 💖 💖 💖
I believe in you!
I love you and I meant it
I am here for you always only 1 step of the way

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